How Safe Is Your Financial Plan?

A massive wave of new taxes is coming. The Government is targeting high income earners and those with larger investment portfolios and retirement savings. Over the next decade and beyond the Government will continue to take more money through the elimination of deductions, higher marginal rates, and excise taxes. The 30 Trillion dollar Government debt […]

Why Taxes Are The Confiscation Of Freedom

The founders of America said you needed three elements to have true freedom. One of those elements is Political Freedom and in todays terms that means taxes. There has never been a time in American history when freedom was being confiscated through the financial system as it is today. The degree Government takes money away […]

The Secure Act Is Not Secure

Dead taxpayers can’t fight. Back in the late part of 2019, the U.S. Government took the first step toward full confiscation of Americans retirement savings.  It happened quietly during the final days of December when nobody was paying attention. The bill was almost 2000 pages in its entirety. Secretly disguised by lawmakers, with the name […]